Different Types and Benefits of Amber


Amber, which comes from Latin Ambrum, which means "essence", and Opaque Amber is also called "beeswax". It is a resin fossil of Pinaceae Pinus plants from 45 to 99 million years ago. It is an organic mixture formed by geological processes. Because the main component is sticky resin, sometimes animals and plants are wrapped in it.

Although the appearance of Amber is similar to that of crystal, they are also natural gemstones loved by people, but the two are completely different in essence. The main chemical composition of crystal is silicon dioxide.


The different types of Amber


Flower amber is not a flower wrapped inside the amber body, but a "blossom popping" phenomenon, which looks like many petals.

Amber is a variety of colored amber with floral patterns. Because amber contains many bubbles, these bubbles are affected by heat and pressure in the formation, burst, radiate from the center, and form explosion marks similar to petals. Some of them are called "sunflowers" like the sun's rays. Some of them seem to be blooming inside the amber body, so they are called "ice flowers".



Golden Amber was called "wealth stone" in ancient times. The color is bright, luxurious and attractive. It's golden brilliance will bring you wealth and good fortune, as well as more and better opportunities to get along with others. 



Pearl Honey Amber (gold twisted honey). The difference between pearl honey and other Ambers is that it contains an opaque called "beeswax", which looks rich in texture.



Blood Amber has been regarded as the best quality Amber since ancient times, and the royal family regards blood Amber as a symbol of identity and status. Buddhism regards it as a magic weapon for practice, and only monks with higher status can wear beads made of blood amber. Also known as medical Amber, traditional Chinese medicine believes that blood amber has more significant medicinal effects than other ambers and can cure many diseases. 



Green Amber is very rare and can prosper your career and help you succeed in your career. The green color formation is the same as Blue Amber, all because of an optical phenomenon produced in sunlight.



This gem used by the royal family in ancient times was called beeswax because of its "color like honey and light like wax". It has always been a treasure that dignitaries and nobles compete to collect. Known as "thousand-year amber, ten-thousand-year beeswax".



Insect Amber is the rarest and most expensive. Most Amber contains grass leaves, flowers, gravel, air bubbles and other inclusions, but a natural Insect Amber must gather multiple factors. It is a microcosm of the ancient world. It can reveal many biological mysteries for humans. Therefore, Insect Amber that can reflect the specific behavior of creatures has extremely high research and collection value, such as ants grazing scale insects and the mating of ancient insects. Behavior, etc., provided extremely precious materials for the study of biology and paleoenvironment in the late Cretaceous period.



Blue Amber is known as " Amber Supreme" due to its rarity. It does not have a blue color itself, but only a blue hue in its luster. It is the rarest and most valuable Amber, accounting for only 0.2/1000 of the total. Due to its rarity, it is known as "Amber Supreme".


The Benefits of Amber:

1. Stabilize emotions and bring healing power

Natural Amber contains a kind of ether oil, which can pass through the skin to help blood circulation and achieve a calming effect. At the same time, Amber comes from the essence of the tree itself, has ancient energy, can absorb the negative energy in us, bring optimistic and positive feelings, make people feel very warm, and the overall energy is more positive.

2. Corresponds to the "Navel Chakra", helps the digestive system

From the perspective of crystal healing and chakras, Amber corresponds to the umbilical chakra, and the umbilical chakra is connected to the digestive and detoxification systems such as the liver, gallbladder, and stomach, so Amber can help relieve stomach discomfort. 

3. Avoid evil and keep safe

Amber is one of the seven treasures of Buddhism. It has a powerful effect of avoiding evil and eliminating negative energy. It was used to make Buddhist beads; in ancient Europe, Amber was also used to make crosses as a tool for exorcising evil spirits; In ancient times, fishermen would wear Amber when they went to sea to pray for safety.

4. The attribute of the five elements is earth, manifesting wealth and abundance

Although Amber is a tree resin fossil, it belongs to the earth in the five elements, and the color of amber is usually golden yellow, so it also symbolizes the energy of attracting wealth. In addition, Amber has a strong ability to manifest, which will inspire us to use our talents to accumulate wealth and prosperity, bringing good luck and leading us to success.