Collection: Herkimer Diamond 闪灵钻

Herkimer County is one of the few places in the world where these crystals are easily found, and only crystals mined in this area can rightfully be called “Herkimers.”

"The darker the diamond mineral Anthraxolite (hydrocarbon ), the more valuable it is."

Many collectors are interested in these rare types of Herkimer Diamonds, making them more valuable than other types:

1) Anthraxolite Inclusions: These are solid black inclusions that are decayed plant matter

2) Smoky Herkimers: A smoky crystal is characterized by a brownish or grayish color. This occurs when Anthraxolite is evenly distributed throughout the diamond.

3) Enhydros: Herkimer Diamonds with water inclusions are some of the most sought-after by collectors. The value of an enhydro is dependent on the size of the inclusion and the visibility of the movement of the water floater within the Herkimer Diamond. It’s fascinating to think the water contained in the Herkimer Diamond is half a billion years old! Enhydros can be worth as much as five times the cost of a Herkimer Diamond without a water inclusion.

4) Phantoms: A phantom crystal contains a small (sometimes microscopic) crystal that fully forms within the host Herkimer Diamond. These are extremely rare!