Collection: Arahant Relic Stones 阿罗汉舍利石

According to legend - 2000 year ago, 500 Arahant monks practiced meditation in Cave of SamRoiYod Mountain (Dragon Palace Cave) - Prachup Khiri Khan province. The strong aura from the practicing meditation had formed the relic - 龙宫舍利子 into the stone at the surrounding cave.

Some Relic stone also formed by the remains relic after Buddist Arahant are cremated and had attained perfect enlightenment inside the cave. Until today, Arahant Relic Stone is a living stone with Divine Blessing.

They believed to emit strong Spiritual Power and ensured that the presence of Buddha is perpetuated. If one has faith in these Buddha Relic Stone, it is like having realized that the Buddha is living within one's mind, this will help to overcome problems and obstacles.