Collection: Yanyuan Agate 盐源玛瑙

Yanyuan Agate is produced in Yanyuan County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. Yanyuan Agate is rich in color, including yellow, green, red, black, blue, purple, etc. It has a fine texture and has the same moistness as Nanhong. It will develop a beautiful patina after being left for a long time.

Agate has been loved by people in East Asia since ancient times. In China and Japan, it is regarded as a stone with mysterious power. It is listed as one of the Seven Treasures of Buddhism. It is believed that wearing Agate can ward off evil spirits and avoid disasters.

When choosing colors, rank them based on their rarity and beauty. Among them, purple, pink, pink-purple, pink-green, and purple-green are the most beautiful. The production of Yanyuan agate is limited, the rough stones have many cracks, and the yield is low, so the price is at high range.